Saturday, February 26, 2011

MTC Address

I've updated the address for where I'll be for the next two months.

MTC Address: (From March until May 2011)
Elder Jeremy David Sessions
MTC Mailbox #139
NOR-OSL 0503
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

I won't get my Norwegian address until I move into my apartment/whatever I end up living in once I get there =p

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So how's this gonna work?

Well, I would like to officially open my missionary blog! I've been sitting here working on this dumb thing for about an hour and a half now; getting the template set right and setting up all the little settings and such for the blog. I figured after all the work I put in, I might as well make my first post on here.

So to answer the question in the post's title, I've got this whole thing planned out haha. Once I leave for Provo on March 2nd, I'll hand control of this blog over to my sister Sami, who will be in charge of posting on it for me while I'm gone, since I cannot get on it while I'm serving a mission. Normally, we missionaries like to give our mother's control of the blog (I think it gives them something to do while we're gone =p), but I feel that somehow my blog is better left to someone who actually uses the internet daily. Plus, let's not kid ourselves, Mrs. Sessions is a bit of a forgetful person. Love you, Mom!

So pretty much, I will send a weekly email (hopefully) to my family, since they are the only ones I'm allowed to email, and Sami will copy the portion I want posted on the blog and put it on here for me. Obviously, this is not going to be my HIGHEST priority over there, so I may not always have time to write something for the blog every week, but if I have time, I will definitely try.

What I'm going to include in here is just kind of what's been going on with me over there. I'm absolutely sure I'm going to have some amazing experiences with the people in Norway, and it'll be nice to share those experiences with my friends and family back home. Hopefully, I can give ya'll a sense of what I'm doing over there and share some good thoughts and insights about my experiences in Norway. Occasionally, I'll send some pictures for Sami to post as well.

So that's kinda the plan for this shindig. I hope that this blog gets read by at least one person while I'm gone, because then I'll have accomplished what I wanted to do with it. My mailing address is to the side of the blog so write me! Sami will keep those updated as I move around the country as well. I'd would love to hear from everyone, even if I don't have time to reply right away. I'll try my best to answer the letters I get.

I did want to talk a little bit about what I did just this past Saturday. My parents and I drove (actually I drove, since I got my permit that morning....scary stuff) over to the Washington D.C. temple and I went through and received my endowments for the first time. For any of my friends who aren't LDS that are reading this, it's kind of a big deal for members of our Church. Basically, I spent about three hours in the temple learning about my relationship with God, and it was a lot to take in. There's so many things you learn when you receive your endowments. It's been three days and I still find myself processing the things I saw, heard, and felt while I was there. To be able to spend time in the temple, I literally felt as though Heavenly Father was there with me the whole time, teaching me things. Well, He's one heck of a teacher, let me tell ya. When I left the temple, I honestly felt different from when I went in. You know that clean, minty feeling you get in your mouth right after you brush your teeth? I had that all over. It was amazing, I felt like nothing in the world could hurt me. I can't wait until I can go again and experience those feelings another time.

Well that's about it, I might post some more before I leave in March, so you can get it straight from the camel's mouth I guess, haha. By the way, I hope you like the background image! That's what I'll get to look at in Norway for the next two years =)